Ethernet Developers Guide
9.CReadDlg. The CReadDlg class is the dialog class for determining the registers to read. It is derived from the CDialog class. The declaration is in the readdlg.h file, and the implementation is in the readdlg.cpp file. Both of these files were generated by The Visual C++ class wizard.
10.CWriteDlg. The CWriteDlg class is the dialog class for determining the registers to write and the write data. It is derived from the Cdialog class. The declaration is in the writedlg.h and the implementation is in the writedlg.cpp file. Both of these files were generated by The Visual C++ class wizard.
11.CAboutDlg. The CAboutDlg class is the dialog class for about. Both the declaration and its implementation are in the sam_app.cpp file.
B.6 The CSample_doc Class
The CSample_doc (the document class) contains the user data used by the CSample_View class. The user data consists of the remote node’s IP address, the transaction type and its associated values. The different transaction types are read register, write register, clear statistics, and get statistics. In addition to the transaction type and the associated values, the document class also contains the poll interval.
A user modifies the user data via a menu or tool bar. The CSample_doc processes the menu or tool bar window command message by invoking the corresponding dialog. The state of the various menu items and tool bar buttons depends on the connection state between the application and the remote node. The CSample_View class maintains the connection state, and hence sets the state of the menu items and tool bar buttons.
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