Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet manual Clear Local Statistics Mstr Operation

Models: Modicon Quantum Ethernet

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The MSTR Instruction

3.2.6Clear Local Statistics MSTR Operation

The Clear Local Statistics operation (type 4 in the displayed register of the top node) clears statistics relative to the local node where the MSTR has been programmed.

Control Block

The registers in the MSTR control block (the top node) contain the Clear Local


Statistics information as described in the following table:















Operation Type







First implied

Error status

Displays a hex value indicating an MSTR error,




when relevant.






Second implied

Not applicable







Third implied

Not applicable







Fourth implied

Low byte

Quantum backplane slot address of the NOE










Fifth ... Eighth

Not applicable










3.2.7Get Remote Statistics MSTR Operation

The Get Remote Statistics operation (type 7 in the displayed register of the top node) obtains information relative to remote nodes on the network. This operation may require multiple scans to complete and does not require a master data transaction path. (See page page 40 for a listing of the TCP/IP Ethernet network statistics).

The remote comm processor always returns its complete statistics table when a request is made, even if the request is for less than the full table. The MSTR instruction then copies only the amount of words you have requested to the designated 4x registers.

Note: TCP/IP Ethernet routing must be accomplished via standard third-party Ethernet IP router products.

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Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet Clear Local Statistics Mstr Operation, Get Remote Statistics Mstr Operation