Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet manual Utility Diskette, Network Options Ethernet Tester

Models: Modicon Quantum Ethernet

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1.3Utility Diskette

Included with this manual is a diskette containing two utilities for the Ethernet module: the Network Options Ethernet Tester utility and the ERRLOG utility.

1.3.1Network Options Ethernet Tester

This utility will allow you to:

establish a connection

zget and clear statistics

read and write registers

The Network Options Ethernet Tester communicates with the module over the Ethernet, from an IBM-compatible PC operating with Windows 3.1 or greater and with WinSock.

Instructions for using the Network Options Ethernet Tester are given in Chapter 6 on page 73.

The source code for the Network Options Ethernet Tester is included on the diskette.


This utility allows you to read and clear the crash log from an IBM-compatible PC communicating with the local Quantum controller via Modbus Plus.

The PC must be equipped with an SA85 Modbus Plus card and software driver. ERRLOG may be run in a native DOS environment or in a DOS box under Windows 3.1 or Windows 95.

Instructions for using ERRLOG to read and clear the crash log are given in section 7.1.9 on page 85.

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Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet manual Utility Diskette, Network Options Ethernet Tester, Errlog