he Crossover frequency option is an
quency | an internal threshold frequ ncy used for selecting the |
ency, depending on the c rrent Downlink and | |
se tings. | C ossover frequency is valid only if the Frequ ncy Mode is s t to |
Downlink (dnLn). If you re unsu about which Crossover Frequ ncy to use, Toc ntact yourordealer/changetheeller,Crossoveror l cal se vice provider.
Available options: Press 1 to save the new setting (donE), or press 2 to discard all changes (rstr), or press 3 to cancel the operation (abrt).
Repeat this action to change to another frequency. You use the left Õor right Œ arrow button to change from low to high resolution. Note that when displaying high resolution (i.e., least significant digits), the decimal point flashes ON and OFF repeatedly (see “…About frequency settings”). The Crossover frequency can be displayed from any channel, but can only be changed from the Installer Channel (see “…About the current channel”). A Crossover frequency is only required when the Frequency Mode is set to Downlink (dnLn), and is not valid if set to
| ResetÖ |
| ||
| ||
| press |
| |
| change | ||
he Factory Reset p ion is | ||||
4 | flashesÕandRightŒowbuttonssimultaneouslytoinitiatethe | |||
rent receiv r ettings wi |
| f | ctory default settings. If you are unsure about us- | |
ing fact | y def ult settings, contact your dealer/reseller, or local service provider. | |||
F r in | ation about factory default receiver settings, see “Setting up the re- | |||
StepceivToperformar”123...(seeThePressthefrontALTLEDlsoFactory0ALTTableandpanelUponcethenœ8)displaystoand. | ||||
| FactoryRese(pressingLeft | anyothekeyabortstheaction). |
Repeat this action to restore the factory default settings. Once initiated, a Factory Reset cannot be interrupted or reversed. A Factory Reset can only be performed from the Installer Channel (see …About the current channel”).
)UHTXHQF\ | operating |
| ||
| then |
| |
he Frequency option is an | ||||||
| normal |
| |
current Downlink [dnLn], | ||||||
used by the eceiver or tuni |
| rec ived digital signal. If you are unsure about | ||||
whichTodisplayFrequencyorchangeto usthe, c nt ct yourFrequencyÖd aler/reseller, or local service provider. |
StepPerform12..theIfPrssTherequired,firstALTALTLEDflashessteponcepressif yto0uchangeandareONandOFFchangifrompress.g the