Setting up your Headend Satellite Receiver for normal operation requires setup of frequency-related and other options from the Receiver Setup menu, and from other menus. These settings are used by the receiver for locking onto a network signal, and for optimizing receiver performance (see also “User Setup menu” and “Search

Setupdisplaymenu”)the.ReceiverYou can view or cha ge the current setup.

Most of theDisplayfunc ionsMainneed d to(seet up your Headend Satellite Receiver are avail-

able fromSetup menu. This menu lets you set up your receiver to lock onto single ne work signal. However, if you wish to setup your receiver to lock onto more an one twork sign l and tore each configuration set, use the Net- StepTowork 321Prese...MovetomenutheReceiverS. (S SetupalsoMenuetuptatus“NetworkmenuÖandandFigurepresPresetss5)sSELECT.menu”...)

Available options: Select SEARCH SETUP (or press 2 and then SELECT) to display the Search Setup menu, or select RECEIVER STATUS (or press 3 and then SELECT) to display the Receiver Status menu.


As you make changes to the current setup (at the Receiver Setup menu), the re- ceiver checks that the Local Oscillator frequencies, Crossover frequency, Frequency and Frequency Mode settings are compatible with each other. A Crossover fre- quency is required only if you are using both Local Oscillators (i.e., you have a ￿￿dual-band LNB and you are entering a Frequency with Downlink Mode set). If used, the Local Oscillator Frequency #2 must be greater than Local Oscillator Fre- quency #1. The operating Frequency, Local Oscillator frequencies plus the Cross- over frequency must be correctly set as specified by your antenna/LNB manufac- turer, dealer/reseller or local service provider. The Frequency setting plus other settings used depend on subscriber/network services available, and may vary.


You can enter a valid frequency using the numbered Remote Control buttons, and/or you can use the œ/arrow buttons to display available settings. If the current setting is out of range or is incompatible with other settings, a pop-up mes- s ge displays setupBanderror information, or N/A (Not Applicable) will display for the setting. Setup errors must be corrected before the new setup can be saved. For in- Bandformation about saving changes, see “…About saving changes”.

ta for both C- (3.7 GHz through 4.2 GHz) and Ku-Band (10.7 GHz through

15Table5KuCGHz)--Band.CandoperationLKu-Bandfrequency=-.(operating)frequencyfrequencycalculationsg￿(D(L Osiluion-latg(Localor)-gOscillator)(Downlink)

he relationships betwe the Downliwnlink) frequency, the Local Oscillator frequency the resulting L-Band (operati g) Frequen y are shown in the accompanying


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Scientific Atlanta D9225 manual 5HFHLYHU6HWXSPHQX, ReceiverSetupmenudisplay