For more information about on-screen messages, see “Appendix B Troubleshoot- ing”.


When you navigate to menus from video, the information displayed is associated with the current (video) channel, which is also displayed on-screen at the Available Services menu. If no changes have been made to the current setup, you are auto- matic lly returned to the same channel when you exit to video. If any changes

have been made at the Receiv

Setup menu only, xiting to video from menus







r saving ch nges is always preceded by the Installer Ch

nel banner display

(i. ., chann l 0). Note

hat changes made at a y other menu

ermit direct return to



reviously-w tched


. For more informa ion about the ins aller channel,

seeTochangethe“Setting21..pressSELECTEnterMoveuptoavalidtheChannelchannelt.eive”and. numberSELECTtousingthenumberedfrontpanelbuttonsandclearthedisplayfield.













Repeat the above actions to change the current channel. When you exit to video, the virtual channel you set is displayed.


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Image 52
Scientific Atlanta D9225 manual Then