



he Baud Rate option is an Alt-2 Mode function. The sel c ed Baud Rate sets the Baud Rate the rial Exp sion Port (if used). If you are unsure about which

ToStepBauddisplay12Rate..ThePressplaysfaulttoALTuse,changeavailablesettingsALT1(BAUD)[600,RateÖtheler/rescurrent1200,normalller,2400,Baudoperationor local4800Ratese.toAltPressingorvice9600-2Modeprovid1baud].)..Thedise-- currentThefrontsepanelttingdisplays. ìsav?î.

Available options: Press 1 to save the new setting (donE), or press 2 to discard all changes (rstr), or press 3 to cancel the operation (abrt).

Repeat this action to change to another Baud Rate. The Baud Rate can be displayed or changed from any channel.









SELECT display






he FEC Rate option is an Alt-1 Mode function. The selected FEC R te must match

the FEC Rate associat d with the ransmitted sign l. If u are u ure about which

FECTodisplayrate toorchangee, conta

y FECur derateÖl /reseller,


local service provider.







PerformStep21..theThePrssIffirstALTALTLEDsteponcetochangepressflashesif y 0uandareONandthenchangifromnormalOFFpress.g the F


Available options: Press 1 to save the new setting (donE), or press 2 to discard all changes (rstr), or press 3 to cancel the operation (abrt).

Repeat this action to change the FEC Rate. The FEC Rate can be displayed from any channel, but can only be changed from the Installer Channel (see “…About the current channel).









only: The B nd Select display option is an Alt-1 Mode function. The oper-


(frequency) band

displaythe current

yed ide

ifies the operating L-Band frequency

(C-Band or Ku-Band) u ed by the

e eiv

(see also “Frequency Mode”). The oper-

ating band can only be set via


interface. If you are unsure about which

ToStepfrequency12..ThePresstotheALTuse,ALT1operating(C/Ku)LEDflashescooncetotoct yourchangeONandalfromOFFr/ eseller,. operatingoperationor localbandservicetoAlt(C-orU1providerMode[Ku])...

The operating Band can be displayed from any channel.

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Image 28
Scientific Atlanta D9225 manual 5DWH, DQG6HOHFW