This menu lets you select (a) the colour to be used for the menu background, (b) the colour to be used for the subtitling text and (c) the colour to be used for the subtitling shade (background),
Menu background refers to the area over which menu fields are placed. Once you have selected a menu background colour, it is applied to all menu screens.
Subtitling text is displayed on the lower portion of the video screen, if the option is enabled. The text will be displayed in the language selected in the User Setup menu.
ubtitling shade ref rs to he rea which is superimposed over the lower portion of
Available options: Move to Exit and press SELECT (or press 1 and then SELECT) to return to the previous menu.
Avail ble ptions: PsiredcolourÖ1 to save the new set ings (Yes), or press 2 to discard all
Available options: Press 1 to save the new settings (Yes), or press 2 to discard all changes (No), or press 3 to cancel the operation (Cancel).