Setting up your Headend Satellite Receiver via the Alt Mode interface requires setup of frequency-related and other options. These settings are used by the re- ceiver for locking onto the signal, and for optimizing receiver performance. Some menu interface functions are also available via the Alt Mode interface. For a sum- mary of Alt Mode functions, see Table 4.


While viewing any channel, you can use Alt Mode functions to view the current receiver setup, or you can view or change the current setup from the Installer Channel. Alt Mode functions are available via receiver front panel buttons. Alt-1 function labels are printed directly on the keypad bezel above each button (see Figure 4). Alt-2 functions are also associated with front panel buttons, except that

the function names are not printed on the keypad bezel (see “…About entering



s using front panel buttons”). As with the me

u interface, access to Alt


functions is cont olled by syst m Lock Levels

d the security Passwo d.

More info mation about Lock Levels and the Pass o d is contained in this section.

Complete informa ion about how ach of the Alt-1 and Alt-2 functions are used to

setTooperateup the therceiverceiver is con inainedAlt-in1Modeis s ction.



















While the r ceiver is operating in Alt-1


the ALT LED lashes ON nd OFF,

and only Alt-1 funct ons are available via




buttons. Pressing ALT twice

( r

ssing VIEW) retur s the receiv

to normal operation (i.e., the ALT LED is

ToOFF). therceiverinAlt-2Mode








receiver setting















vailable nt








While the

iv r is operating in Alt-2



ALT LED is ON, and only Alt-2


ava lable. Pres ing ALT

nce (or pr


VIEW) returns the receiver

ToStepStepto normalchange12..buttonTheaarowperatisomecurrsettingbuttons.theoptionsAltdesired(iMode...,.Forhefunctions,AltisALTotherdisplayed(AltModeLEDfunctions,functionyouis pressthsamebuttonOFF)theyoubyreciver. frontthetheœpanelappropriateandrepeatedly.–multifront-functiontodisplaypanel AfterâSave:Restore:Cancel:changingPressPressPressa1toreceiver32tosavetocanceldiscardthesettingnewthealloperation(abrt)settichayoungcanÖes(donE)(rstr)

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Image 24
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