
Header Filter List

The Header Filter List section looks like this:

Using this section, you can configure the Generic Header Filter to delete headers and header content, add customized headers, modify existing header con- tent, and execute any pre-defined or customized action on appropriate filtering conditions.

The filter can be configured for Web traffic using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol, as well as for e-mail traffic.

For e-mail traffic, there are two options to choose from: SMTP and Mail. If

SMTP is selected, the configured settings will operate on the content of internal Webwasher headers such as X-WW-From,X-WW-Toor X-Client-IP..

If Mail is selected, settings will operate on the content of standard e-mail headers such as Subject, From and To.

The filtering conditions for handling headers in this way are entered in the fields of this section. For an explanation of them, see the corresponding online help page.

On this page, examples are also provided for configuring the filter with regard to HTTP and HTTPS communication.
