To view or modify the actions that are currently configured for these actions, click on the Text Categorization link in the checkbox inscription.
This will take you to the Text Categorization tab, where you have access to the corresponding settings.
Document Upload Filter
The Document Upload Filter section looks like this:
Using this section, you can configure actions for outbound
The document formats that can be filtered include Microsoft Word
Furthermore, they include the following open document formats: Generic XML, Microsoft OpenXML, Oasis Open Document Format, and the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), which is an
These documents may contain “active” content. Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Microsoft Open XML support ActiveX controls and macros, while PDF and the Oasis Open Document Format support embedded JavaScript.
This active content may be hostile rather than friendly, so for full protection against files that are embedded in Microsoft Office, PDF or open format docu- ments, you should use the filter provided by the Document Inspector to inspect these documents and block malicious content from entering your corporate net- work.
If you want to use this filter, make sure the checkbox next to the section heading is marked. The checkbox is marked by default.
After specifying the appropriate settings, click on Apply Changes to make them effective.
Use the following
•Encrypted document found
Select an action here, e. g. Block or Allow. This action will be taken if the filter detects an inbound office document that is potentially malicious.