After specifying the appropriate information, click on Apply Changes to make your settings effective.
Use the following items to configure the system notifications:
•Send notification upon license expiry
Make sure the checkbox provided here is marked if you want to use this option, and enter the recipient of the notification in the Recipient input field.
•Send notification if number of licensed clients will soon be ex- ceeded
Make sure the checkbox provided here is marked if you want to use this option.
The recipient of this notification will be the one entered in the Recipient input field above.
To configure the settings for the server used to process the notifications, click on the button labeled Edit Notification Mail Server.
This will open a window where you can specify the appropriate settings:
After specifying the settings, click OK to make them effective.
Furthermore, there is a button labeled Send Test Messages in this section. Click on this button to test your settings.
Too Many Clients
The Too Many Clients section looks like this: