Prefix List
The list below shows the prefixes that are used for multiples of bytes, with byte values calculated in binary mode, to measure and display, e. g. traffic volumes.
It also shows the use of these prefixes with regard to multiples of 10 to measure and display other values, e. g. numbers of hits.
Prefix List
Symbol | Name | ByteSymbol | Byte Unit | Binary Value | Decimal Value |
– | – | B | Byte | 20 | 100 |
K | Kilo | KB | Kilobyte | 210 | 103 |
M | Mega | MB | Megabyte | 220 | 106 |
G | Giga | GB | Gigabyte | 230 | 109 |
T | Tera | TB | Terabyte | 240 | 1012 |
P | Peta | PB | Petabyte | 250 | 1015 |
E | Exa | EB | Exabyte | 260 | 1018 |
Z | Zetta | ZB | Zettabyte | 270 | 1021 |
Y | Yotta | YB | Yottabyte | 280 | 1024 |
Traffic Volume per Protocol
The Traffic Volume per Protocol section displays the traffic volume (in bytes) that occurred on the connections used by Webwasher under the different protocols within a given time interval.
Values are shown for the following protocols: