
URL Executive Summary

The URL Executive Summary section displays the number of URLs that were processed by the Webwasher filters within a given time interval and either passed without restrictions or were blocked by one of these filters.

Values are shown for the following action categories:


This category is for URLs that passed the Webwasher filters without any restrictions.

Blocked by AV Engine

This category is for URLs that were blocked by one of the anti-virus engines implemented within Webwasher.

Blocked by Proactive

This category is for URLs that were blocked due to the configuration of the Webwasher Proactive Scanning Filter.

Blocked by URL Filter

This category is for URLs that were blocked due to the configuration of the Webwasher URL Filter.

Mail Executive Summary

The Mail Executive Summary section displays the number of e-mails that were processed by the Webwasher filters within a given time interval.

The section is only displayed, however, if Webwasher is configured as an e-mail gateway. The corresponding option is enabled under Proxies, see also

the System Configuration Guide Webwasher Web Gateway Security.

Values are shown for the following e-mail categories:


This category is for e-mails that were found to contain malware.

Spam level high

This category is for e-mails that were classified as high-level spam.

Spam level medium

This category is for e-mails that were classified as medium-level spam.
