
System Alerts

The System Alerts section looks like this:

This section displays alerts to make you aware of any problems concerning the system status. The function underlying these alerts is also known as “Security Configurator”.

To the left of each alert text, a field in red, orange, or yellow color indicates the relative importance of the alert.

To the right of each alert text, a link is displayed. Click on this link to navigate to a tab where you can configure the relevant settings as a measure against the problem that caused the alert.

So, e. g., the warning There has been no Anti Virus update check for at least 3 days is followed by a link labeled Check Update Manager.

Clicking on that link will take you to the AV Engine tab, where an update of the kind requested by the alert can be performed.

An alert is repeated on tab or tabs dealing with the topic in question.

So, e. g. the warning There has been no Anti Virus update check for at least 3 days, is repeated on the General Settings tab, which is provided for

configuring the general settings of virus scanning.
