FCC and Industry Canada Compliance

If at any time the ownership of Siemens optiPoint telephone is transferred to someone else (whether independently or as part of a system), please supply this manual to the new owner.


The ringer equivalence number (REN) is used to determine the quality of devices which may be connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all ar- eas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five (5.0). At the base of the telephone is a label contains, among other information, the REN and the FCC certification number. If requested, this information must be given to the telephone company. To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company.

Note: REN is associated with the analog telephones. It is not applicable to Siemens optiPoint telephone. If requested, please supply the FCC Certification numbers of the front-end host terminal equipment that have a direct Public Switched Telephone Net- work connection (i.e. have a REN stated on the label) and the highest REN.

2.Facility Interface Information

Siemens optiPoint telephone connects to the public switched telephone network through FCC Part 68 certified front-end host PBX equipment which specifies the type of network jacks to be used.

3.Disruption of the Network

If the Siemens optiPoint telephone disrupts the telephone network, the telephone company can discontinue your service temporarily. If possible, the telephone company will notify you in advance. If advance notice is not practical, they will notify you as soon as possible. You are also informed of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.

4.Telephone Company Facility Changes

The telephone company can make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that can affect the operation of your equipment. If they do, you should be notified in advance so you have an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone ser- vice.

5.Hearing-Aid Compatibility

Telephones for emergency use and telephones installed in common areas such as lob- bies, hospital rooms, elevators, and hotel rooms must have handsets that are compat- ible with magnetically coupled hearing aids. Persons who are not in common areas must also be provided with hearing-aid compatible handsets, if needed.

The Siemens optiPoint telephone complies with the FCC Rules, Part 68, Section 68.316 Hearing Aid Compatibility and 68.317 volume control requirements.

6.Programmed Dialer Features

When you program emergency numbers or make test calls to emergency numbers us- ing Siemens products with programmed dialer features, stay on the line and briefly ex- plain to the dispatcher the reason for the call before hanging up. Perform these activi- ties in off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening.


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Siemens HiPath 3000 HiPath 5000 RSM operating instructions FCC and Industry Canada Compliance