94 | 95 |
Address book | 20 | Call waiting | 54 | Voice Memo | 35 | Getting started |
| 11 | Language |
| Network password | 72 |
Adjust contrast | 62 | Caller access | 64 | Disabling all tones | 16, 60 | Graphics |
| 63 | - Keypad | 70 | Network selection | 56 |
Alarm (events) | 36 | Calling | 15 | Display date | 71 | Greeting |
| 62 | - Phone | 62 | Network services | 52 |
Answered calls | 28 | Calling Line ID (CLI) | 23 | Display symbols | 82 | Go to date |
| 37 | - T9 text input | 70 | Network types | 56 |
Answering a call | 15 | Calling name presentation | 55 | Display texts | 16 | Groups |
| 31 | Last number redial | 10 |
Any key answer | 65 | Car kit | 62 | Display time | 71 |
| Line lock | 74 | Options during conversation | 76 |
Automatic redial | 65 | Change group | 32 | Diverting calls | 52 | Handsfree (Car kit & headset) 62 | Line selection | 66 | Outbox | 38 | ||
| Change PIN code | 72 | Drafts | 44 | Holding a call |
| 76 | Link, Go to | 40 | Outgoing calls | 28 |
Backlight | 62, 83 | Charge battery | 13 | Driving safety tips | 8 | Homedeck, Go to |
| 40 | List menu | 25 | Outgoing call identity | 64 |
Barring calls | 54 | Clock | 71 | Dropping a held call | 76 |
| Own numbers | 21 |
Barred dialing | 73 | Closed user group | 55 | Dropping an active call | 76 | Immediate SMS messages | 43 | Making a call | 15 | Own ringing tone | 58 | |
Barred numbers | 22 | Composer | 58 | Duration of last call | 65 | Important safety instructions | 4 | Maximum call charge | 65 | Owner ID | 63 | |
Battery | 12 | Conference calls | 76 | Duration of total calls | 65 | Inbox |
| 43 | Message setup | 67 |
Battery indicator | 13 | Confirmation | 68 |
| Information numbers |
| 21 | - Broadcast | 68 | Phone book editing | 29 |
Bookmarks | 41 | Continuing calls | 76 | Edit an old message | 44 | Insert SIM card |
| 14 | - SMS | 67 | Phone books | 21 |
Broadcast setup | 68 | Contrast | 62 | Edit an entry | 29 | Internal antenna |
| 15 | - Text input | 70 | Phone setup | 62 |
Broadcast tone | 58 | Conversation menu | 75 | Emergency calls | 14, 16 | International calls |
| 15, 80 | - WAP browser | 69 | PIN code | 72 |
Broadcasts | 48 | Copy an entry | 30 | Encryption indication | 73 | IrDA | 39, 45, 62 | Messages | 43 | PIN2 code | 72 | |
Business card | 39 | Country selection | 56 | Events | 36 |
| - Broadcasts | 48 | Plain numbers | 21 |
| Create new group | 31 | Exit the WAP browser | 41 | Joining calls |
| 76 | - Favourites | 48 | Postpone an event | 37 |
Calculator | 34 | Currency/Call charge | 65 | Extension numbers | 81 |
| - SMS | 43 | Preferred list | 56 |
Calendar | 36 |
| Keypad |
| 18 | - Voice mail | 48 | Prefix telephone numbers | 22 |
Call back | 55 | Data/fax transmission | 66 | Factory settings, tones | 61 | Keypad alphabet |
| 70 | Message tone | 58 | Private calls | 76 |
Call barring | 54 | Date and time | 71 | Favorite messages | 48 | Keypad lock |
| 16, 74 | Microphone on/off | 76 | Profile setup (WAP) | 69 |
Call deflection | 55 | Delete a group | 31 | Fax/data transmission | 66 | Keypad lock code |
| 74 | Missed calls | 28 | PUK code | 72 |
Call divert | 52 | Delete a message | 44 | Find an entry | 22 | Key tone |
| 60 | Missed events | 32 | PUK2 code | 72 |
Call setup | 64 | Delete an entry | 30 | Fixed dialing | 73 |
| Move an entry | 30 | Putting a call on hold | 76 |
Charge | 65 | Delete events | 37, 71 | Fixed numbers | 21 |
| Muting the microphone | 76 |