Quick scrolling | 23 | Send message via IrDA | 45 | Tones | 58 |
| Sending a new message | 44 | Transferring calls | 77 |
Reading a message |
| Sent items | 44 | Trembler | 60 |
- Broadcast | 48 | Service centre (SMS) | 67 | T9 text input | 46 |
- SMS | 43 | Service numbers | 21 |
Recording a conversation | 35, 77 | Set date | 71 | Unit price | 65 |
Recurring event | 36 | Set time | 71 | Update on mobile phone safety | 86 |
Redialing a number | 16, 65 | Set start/end of day | 71 | Using your keypad | 18 |
Remaining call charge | 65 | Setup menu | 49 | USSD | 64 |
Remove charger | 13 | Show timer & credit | 65 |
Remove event automatically | 71 | Show week | 37 | Voice mail | 48 |
Remove from group | 32 | Signal diode | 62 | View contents of a group | 31 |
Rename a group | 31 | Signature | 68 | View entries in address or |
Reply path | 68 | Silent mode | 16, 60 | phone books | 29 |
Reset phone memory | 24 | SIM Application toolkit (SAT) | 26 | View events | 36 |
Reset timers & charge | 65 | SIM card | 14 | Volume control | 15 |
Ringing tones | 58 | SIM lock | 72 |
Roaming | 54 | Sorting of messages | 68 | WAP (Wireless Application |
| Speed dial | 64 | Protocol) | 40 |
Security | 72 | Status | 33 | WAP card | 40 |
Select language |
| Store an entry | 20, 21 | WAP deck | 40 |
- Keypad | 70 | Switching between calls | 76 | Warning | 4 |
- Phone | 62 |
| Welcome greeting | 62 |
- T9 text input | 70 | Text input | 18 | Who is calling | 23 |
Selection of network | 56 | Text input setup | 70 |
Selection of network type | 56 | TIA Safety language | 5 |
Send business card | 39 | Time and charge | 65 |
Send message as SMS | 45 | Time and date | 71 |