i n t e l l i g e n t | w i r e l e s s | p l a t f o r m |
Note: If the association status window does not appear, click on the link to download the JRE.
2.8.3 DHCP Configurations
The Remote Router airHaul unit can be used as a DHCP server or DHCP relay agent. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) allows a host to be automatically assigned a new IP address out of a pool of IP addresses for its network.
A DHCP server/relay can only be configured when the device is in the Remote Router Mode.
Follow the steps below to configure the Remote Router unit as a DHCP server:
1.Click on ‘Networking’ ‘DHCP Server’ from the menu bar to access the DHCP configuration page.
2.Click on ‘Enable DHCP’ to start the DHCP server configuration.
3.Enter the starting IP address for the IP pool range that can be assigned to a DHCP client.
4.Enter the Max number of users for the maximum number of clients which can be assigned an IP address at a time by the DHCP server.
5.Enter Max Lease Time in Days, Hours and Minutes for all the clients.
6.Enter DNS Server IP address.
7.Click on the ’Apply Changes’ to change the settings
Note: The system will validate the input parameters and notify users of invalid entries.
The Starting IP address will be in the same network segment as the device
IP address for the DNS Server IP indicates no DNS Server to be used.
The DHCP Server is only available to hosts connected to the same LAN segment as the device
airHaul™ Nexus User Guide | Page 41 of 80 |