SmartBridges sB3410 Using the Configuration Pages, Description of Menus Menu Item Menu Sub-items

Models: sB3410

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2.3. Using the Configuration Pages

The airClient Nexus configuration system comprises several pages for configuring each parameter. A common navigation menu bar is provided at the top of each page for easy navigation as shown in the figure below.

Figure 2- 5 Navigation Menu Bar showing editable boxes for parameters

System configuration information is displayed as read-only in each page. As shown in the ’Summary Information’ page in the above figure,’ Ethernet Configuration’, ’Wireless Configuration’, ‘Port Information’ parameters are displayed as read only.

Clicking on the UNDERLINED parameter heading allows you to edit the configuration parameters. To change the ’Ethernet Configuration’ parameters, click on the ’Ethernet Configuration’ link. Similarly, clicking on the ‘Wireless Configuration’ link the ‘Radio Configuration page’ will be displayed to edit any wireless settings. The figure below shows the ’Ethernet Configuration’ parameters in editable boxes.

To save the changes to the system, click on the ’Apply Changes’ button.

Note: Clicking the web browser's Back button returns to the previous screen without saving any changes. Changes are saved only when the user clicks the ’Apply Changes’ button

The Navigation menu bar contains menu items that allow user to go to different configuration pages. The following table summarizes functionalities available for the menu item links.

Table 2-2 Description of Menus


Menu Item

Menu Sub-items







Summary Information








information such as Ethernet and




Wireless IP settings.






Allows user to set the IP settings for




Ethernet (wired side) and Wireless




interfaces depending on the device




operational mode.



airClient™ Nexus User Guide



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SmartBridges sB3410 manual Using the Configuration Pages, Description of Menus Menu Item Menu Sub-items