i n t e l l i g e n t | w i r e l e s s | p l a t f o r m |
Figure 2-15 airClient Router Wireless IP Configuration
In order for the airClient Router device to associate with the access point, the user needs to configure the access point’s SSID and WEP (if used).
Follow these steps below to configure the airClient Router/NAT Mode wireless association parameters:
1.Click on ‘Main airClient Router Mode’ from the ‘Radio’
2.Enter the SSID and domain.
3.Select the Transmit power of the radio from Dial in Power drop down menu.
4.Select the gain of the antenna from the drop down menu as per the gain of the antenna being used with the equipment.
5.Enter the RF cable loss based on the cable specifications.
6.Click ‘Apply Changes’. The units will attempt to associate.
Note: Clicking on ‘Status’ will display further details on the association.
airClient™ Nexus User Guide | Page 29 of 66 |