G. Glossary of Terms
| unshielded |
| The |
| |
802.11g | An IEEE standard for wireless local area networks. It |
| offers transmissions speeds at up to 54 Mbps in the 2.4- |
| GHz band. |
Access point | It is the hardware interface between a wireless LAN |
| and a wired LAN. The access point attaches to the |
| wired LAN through an Ethernet connection. |
Applet | Applets are small Java programs that can be embedded |
| in an HTML page. The rule at the moment is that an |
| applet can only make an Internet connection to the |
| computer form that the applet was sent. |
ASCII | American Standard Code For Information Interchange, |
| it is the standard method for encoding characters as 8- |
| bit sequences of binary numbers, allowing a maximum |
| of 256 characters. |