Without take name With take name


Previewing and selecting takes

You can preview the takes for a given event.

1.Select an event containing multiple takes.

2.Right-click to display a shortcut menu or, from the Edit menu, choose Take to display a submenu.

3.Choose Choose Active... from the submenu. The Take Chooser dialog appears.

4.Select the take that you want to preview and use the Play ( ) and Stop () buttons within the dialog.

5.To use a take, select it and click OK. The selected take is now the active take.

Deleting takes

You can delete individual takes from an event at any time.

1.Right-click an event with multiple takes.

2.From the shortcut menu, choose Take, and choose Delete Active from the submenu to immediately remove the active take. Alternately, choose Delete to open a dialog with a list of all of the takes contained in this event.

Working with take names

Displaying take names on events

Take names may be displayed on the events in the timeline. From the

View menu, choose the Active Take Information option.

Changing take names

Changing the name of a take does not affect the source media file in any way. Typically, you may want to change an event’s name after

recording multiple takes into a track or event. For more information, see Working with multiple recorded takes on page 206.

1.Select the take to be renamed. For more information, see Selecting takes on page 130.

2.Right-click the event to display a shortcut menu.

3.From the shortcut menu, choose Properties. The Properties dialog opens.

4.Type the new name in the Active take name box.

5.Click OK to set the new take name.

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