Arranging the Playlist
Moving regions
After you have added regions to the Playlist, you can arrange them using
Replicating a region in the Playlist
A major advantage of arranging the Playlist is the ability to repeat a region in multiple places without actually copying the audio data. This feature is called replicating.
2.Drag the replicated region to its new position in the Playlist.
Deleting a region from the Playlist
You can delete regions from the Playlist without affecting the audio file.
1.Select the region that you would like to delete.
2.From the Edit menu, choose Playlist/Cutlist, and then choose Delete from the submenu (or
Editing a Playlist/Cutlist region
You can edit a Playlist/Cutlist region by typing new values in the Cnt, Trigger, Chan, Note, and SMPTE Time boxes.
Repeating a region during Playlist playback
You can specify the number of times a region repeats during Playlist playback.
Type a value in the Cnt box in the Playlist window to specify the number of times the Playlist region will repeat before playing the next region.