Loading plug-in chains or plug-in presets

Once you have saved a plug-in chain, you can easily load it into the Plug-In Chainer.

Loading a plug-in chain preset

Choose a setting from the Chain drop-down list. The preset chain loads into the window using the saved settings for each DirectX and VST plug-in in the chain.

Loading an individual DirectX plug-in preset

Choose a setting from the Preset drop-down list. The plug-in settings stored in the preset are loaded.

Loading an individual VST plug-in preset

1.Click the Open VST Preset button (). The Open VST Preset dialog is displayed.

2.Browse to the .fxp file that you want to use.

3.Click the Open button. The current VST preset is replaced with the settings stored in the .fxp file.

Loading a bank of VST plug-in presets

1.Click the Open VST Bank button (). The Open VST Bank dialog is displayed.

2.Browse to the .fxb file that you want to use.

3.Click the Open button. All presets for the current VST plug-in are replaced with the settings stored in the .fxb file and the first preset in the bank is loaded by default.