Hiding the CD layout bar
From the Options menu, choose Data Window, and then choose CD Tracks from the submenu. The CD layout bar is hidden. Choose CD Tracks from the submenu again to display the CD layout bar.
Editing pause time for a
Pause time is the space between CD tracks. This space may contain
The Red Book standard calls for two seconds of pause time, but you can edit the default pause time on the CD Settings tab of the Preferences dialog.
When you hover in the pause time between two tracks, Sound Forge displays the pause time.
You can edit the pause time in several ways:
•Hover your mouse between two tracks in the CD layout bar. The pause time is displayed in a ToolTip.
Select Pause Time | Creates a time selection equal to the pause time between tracks. |
Set to Default Pause Time Moves all tracks upstream so the default pause time exists between the tracks where you clicked.
Edit Pause Time | Changes the pause time display to an edit box where you can type a new value. |
298 CHAPTER 20