4.Drag the plug-ins from the Plug-In Manager window to the Plug-In Chainer window. The selected plug-ins are added to the chain.
Tip: You can also drag plug-ins or a plug-in chain from the Plug-In Manager window to a data window. The Plug-In Chainer window is opened with the selected effects in a new chain.
5.Use the Plug-In Chainer to preview your effects and adjust settings as needed. You can select the Bypass button (
) to hear the original, unprocessed audio.
6.When you are satisfied with the chain, click the Process Selection button (
) in the Plug-In Chainer to apply the effect.
Renaming a plug-in
You can customize the names of plug-ins within the software.
1.Right-click a plug-in in the Plug-In Manager and choose Rename from the shortcut menu.
2.Type a new name and press Enter.
Hiding a plug-in
All DirectX plug-ins on your system are automatically available to you. You may want to hide a plug-in within the software without removing the plug-in from your system.
1.Right-click a plug-in in the Plug-In Manager and choose Hide from the shortcut menu. You are prompted to confirm that you want to permanently hide the plug-in.
2.Click Yes. The plug-in no longer appears in Sound Forge software.
Tip: To restore hidden plug-ins, you can force Sound Forge to rescan your system for plug-ins by deleting the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sony Creative Software\Sound Forge Pro\10.0\DXCache key in the Windows Registry.
Organizing effects in the FX Favorites menu
The FX Favorites menu provides easy access to the plug-ins you use most frequently. You can add and remove plug-ins and folders to organize the menu however you like. You can also automatically add all plug-ins on your system to the menu. For more information, see Automatically adding and organizing plug-inson page 204.
Once you add a plug-in to the FX Favorites menu, you can apply the plug-in to a file by selecting it from the menu. For more information, see Adding effects on page 195.
1.From the FX Favorites menu, choose Organize. The Organize Favorites dialog is displayed.
2.Organize your plug-ins:
•Drag plug-ins to the FX Favorites folder to add them to the FX Favorites menu.
•Create submenus in the FX Favorites menu by clicking the FX Favorites folder and clicking the Create New Folder button (
). After you have created a new folder, drag plug-ins to the folder to add them to the submenu in the FX Favorites menu.
•Remove plug-ins or folders from the FX Favorites menu by selecting the plug-in or folder and clicking the Delete button (
). Deleting a plug-in from the FX Favorites folder removes it from the FX Favorites menu but does not delete the plug-in from your system.
3.Close the Organize Favorites dialog. The new plug-ins and/or submenus appear in the FX Favorites menu.
Tip: You can also add plug-ins to the FX Favorites menu using the Plug-In Manager.