Customizing keyboard shortcuts

From the Options menu, choose Customize Keyboard to customize the keyboard shortcuts available in the Sound Forge interface.

The Shortcut keys box displays the currently assigned shortcut keys for the selected command. Click a tab in the middle of the dialog to choose which shortcuts you want to see.

Editing or creating shortcuts

1.From the Options menu, choose Customize Keyboard. The Customize Keyboard dialog appears.

2.Click a tab in the middle of the dialog to indicate the type of command you want to assign to a keyboard shortcut.

3.Select a command in the list.

Tip: You can type a word in the Show commands containing box to filter the list of commands to display only commands that contain the word you typed.

4.Click the Shortcut keys box and press the key combination you want to assign to the selected command.

Tip: If you type a key combination that has already been assigned to another command, the Shortcut currently assigned to box displays the existing assignment. To find the existing command, click the Locate button.

5.Click the Add button to assign the key combination in the Shortcut keys box to the selected command.