
all open files, 68

command properties as template, 119 custom templates, 68

Cutlist files, 133 files, 66

loop points, 271 metadata with files, 107 Playlist files, 133

project paths in rendered files, 70 projects, 69

Regions List to file, 129 sampler configurations, 244 summary information, 107 video files, 278 workspaces, 69

Scott Studios commands, 119 script commands, 118 Script Editor button, 43 scripting

adding scripts to the Scripting submenu, 234 API and sample scripts, 231

arguments, 234 Batch Converter, 238 command line, 233 creating scripts, 235 editing existing scripts, 235 online forum, 231 running scripts, 233

Script Editor window, 25, 232 toolbar, 236

Scripting toolbar

adding or removing toolbar buttons, 236 creating custom button images, 237 overview, 43

running scripts from, 237 Scroll Playback command, 61 Scroll Smoothly command, 61 scrolling

during playback, 61 smooth, 61

scrub control slider, 86 scrubbing

configuring audio event locator, 87 Normal Rate indicator, 86

on timeline, 86

with audio event locator, 87 with keyboard, 86

with scrub control slider, 86

SCSI MIDI Device Interface (SMDI), 241 SCSI/SMDI

hardware setup, 251 troubleshooting, 251

Seconds button, 38

Seek Cursor on Playback command, 62

selecting events, 168 regions, 124

Selection Grid Lines option, 94 selections

adjusting from process dialogs, 174 adjusting with keyboard, 93 adjusting with mouse, 93 creating data windows from, 153 creating using start and end values, 92

deleting all markers and regions within, 116, 125 during playback, 93

muting, 185 on the fly, 93 playing, 62 restoring, 93 shifting left/right, 269 snapping, 95–97 statistics, 64

status boxes, 63 sending samples, 244 Set button, 38, 98

Set Grid Divisions command, 94 Set Selection dialog, 92 setting volume, 193

.sfk files, 59

.sfl files, 107

.sfw files, 68–69

Shift Selection Left button, 38 Shift Selection Right button, 38 shifting selections left/right, 269 shortcuts

creating new, 325 customizing, 325–326 deleting keyboard maps, 326 drag-and-drop, 335 editing, 325

importing keyboard maps, 326 keyboard, 327–334

mouse, 336

renaming keyboard maps, 326 resetting default keyboard map, 326 saving keyboard maps, 326

Show shuttle controls on Data Window transport preference, 34, 312

Show ToolTips preference, 43

Show Transport menu preference, 314 silence, inserting, 149

Simple Delay effect, 41, 209 Simple Synthesis

button, 39 using, 158

single session CD burning. See disc-at-once CD burning

INDEX xiii