6.6.4.Recording Resolution
Shows the present recording resolution size set among “320×240”, “640× 240”, “640×480” mode. To adjust the recording resolution, stop recording first.
6.6.5.Audio/Graphic Equalizer/Select Language.
Use Audio
User can On/Off the audio recording.
Use Graphic Equalizer
User can Enable/Disable the Main Equalizer ().
Select Language
User can select the language they prefer. System will be rebooted if user changed the language setting. It supports 12 languages.
6.6.6.Frames Per Second
Set the recording frame rate per second by using the slide bar.
This function becomes ‘disabled’ while selecting ‘FPS/Resolution’ settings for each cameras.
6.6.7.Compression Type
Video Compression
User can select compression type
Audio Compression
User can select Voice, AM, FM Audio quality.
This function might not be supported depends on system features.
6.6.8.Data Keeping Data
User can select image storage period by each channel. The box for channel selection appears when [Setting] button is pressed. Select the storage period by each channel. To select all channels, select [All Channel], and then set the period. To select different time period for different channels, select storage period by pressing arrow button next to the number. By selecting storage period to 1 day, it will be applied the following day.