c | Phone In Use — phone is connected on an |
| active call. |
h | Private In Use — number being called is a |
| Private ID. |
% | Talkgroup In Use — phone is active on a |
| Group Call. |
Y | Packet Data Ready — phone is ready to |
| receive data through a data cable. |
Z | Packet Data Activity — phone is |
| transmitting data. |
] | Mobile IP — phone is ready to access the |
| Internet. |
{ | Secure Data — phone is accessing the |
| Internet using a secure connection. |
. | Text Message — you have one or more |
| unread Text Messages or Net Mail |
| messages. |
y | Voice Mail — you have one or more |
| unheard Voice Mail messages. |
u | Speaker Off — phone’s speaker is off. |
Ring/Vibe — you have customized the | |
| way in which the phone is set to notify you |
| when you receive calls and other types of |
| messages. See “Ring Style and Notification |
| Type” on page 157. |
w#,! | T9 Text Input — you are using T9 Text |
$x | Input to enter text. See “Using T9® Text |
| Input” on page 26. |
The icon of the main menu feature in use always appears in the top left of the status icon rows. For a list of the main menu icons, see “Main Menu Options” on page 39.