Preventive maintenance (PM) is a schedule of planned maintenance actions aimed at the prevention of failures. PM is the best way to preserve and enhance equipment reliability by keeping key components clean and free of debris. PM activities may include cleaning, vacuuming, visual inspections of key components, lubrication, etc. The better your PM program is, the more dramatically you can increase the life of your product and significantly reduce equipment failures.
Value of Preventive Maintenance
Decreased product downtime
Decreased cost of repair
Improved product reliability
Continuous user satisfaction
over performing maintenance actions only when the system fails.
Determining When to Perform Maintenance
Some types of PM need to be performed more often than others. The frequency of PM depends a great deal on the use and environment of the unit.
Star Trac has a baseline of procedures that should be performed at
Preventive Maintenance Cautions
While maintaining equipment you will want to avoid spraying any liquids directly onto any surface of the unit. Always spray cleaning solutions onto a clean towel first then wipe the unit.
While vacuuming the floor area using an upright vacuum, avoid getting the power cord caught in the
Disconnect the power cord from the wall before vacuuming under the shroud.
Use extreme caution while vacuuming around wires and/or electrical components under the shroud.
Do not attempt to clean the running belt with a mop
Do not apply any cleaners, protectants or solutions onto the running belt (i.e. Armor All, SlickStuff, belt dressing, etc.)
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