If you are not qualified/comfortable working with electricity you should consult a certified electrician. This section should provide you with the information necessary to properly service your Star Trac unit by giving you:
A basic understanding of electrical safety
A basic understanding of electrical terminology
A basic understanding of electricity in general
A basic understanding of electrical tools
An overview of your Star Trac unit
See the “PRECAUTIONS – SAFETY” section of this manual.
CURRENT – The number of electrically charged particles that flow past a given point on a circuit in a given time
AMPERE (AMP) – A measure of current
VOLT – Measures the current pressure of a circuit
Star Trac refers to the 2 most common global voltages as: o 110V (or 110VAC)
o220V (or 220VAC)
WATT – The rate at which an electrical device consumes energy
OHM – A measurement of resistance
o Ohm’s Law: | I = V / R |
| |
| Current: |
| V | |
| I = current, | V = voltage, R = resistance | I | = |
| R | ||
Depending on what you are trying to solve, other variations can be made:
Voltage: V = I x R
Resistance: R = V / I
All variations of Ohm’s Law are mathematically equal to one another.
RESISTANCE – Used to dissipate passing current into heat to lower a voltage. Resistance is measured in Ohm’s.
POTENTIOMETER (POT) – An electronic component which has an adjustable resistance HOT wire – Delivers power to the unit. Typically has black, brown, or red insulation NEUTRAL wire – Once electricity has done its work, it goes back through the neutral wire to complete the circuit. Typically has white or blue insulation
GROUND wire – In addition to the neutral wire, the ground wire offers current another path should an electrical short happen. Also help to dissipate static
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