All views will display the following information:
Heart Rate: Your current rate in beats-per-minute (BPM) while wearing the heart rate strap or grasping the heart rate grips.
Calories: Display of your aggregate caloric expenditure thus far in your workout.
Cal/Hour: The average calories per hour being burn and any giving time.
Watts: Display of your aggregate watts expenditure thus far in your workout.
Elapsed Time: Shows the duration of your workout thus far in minutes and seconds.
Elapsed Distance: Shows the total number of miles or kilometers you have traveled thus far.
This view displays a graphic representation of the heart rate of your workout thus far.
Workout Views TBT
During any workout, you can select from the following views: | PROGRESS VIEW |
This view displays a graphic representation of the upper body and level of your workout thus far.
This view displays Time, Distance, and Calories.
This view shows your progress counter clockwise around 1/4- mile