3.2. In iti al ope ra ti on pro ce du re

The con trol sys tem is fac to ry-programmed. Ne ver the less, spe ci fic va lu es have to be pre de fi ned
or to be che cked (ba sic pa ra me ter set ting).
The in put va lu es will be sa ved and will still be avai la ble af ter ha ving swit ched off the sys tem or a
po wer fai lu re.
The fol lo wing va lu es are re qui red (in the ap pen dix, the re is a copy of the list whe re the va lu -
es can be en te red):
Pul ses of the en co der:..........................................................
&BI SON mo tor (= black mo tor)
14103 for mo tors with 12 rpm
4387 for mo tors with 38 rpm
Bauer mo tor (= blue mo tor)
11739 for mo tors with 6.5 rpm
2135 for mo tors with 35.5 rpm
2100 for SDD S
Nom i nal cur rent of the mo tor for the dos ing mo tor (see name plate):....................
&If the va lue has been ex cee ded, an alarm mes sa ge will be sent.
Con fig u ra tion value (see De ter mining the Con fig u ra tion Value):........................
Only in case of moun ting on a Mico mi xing-hopper:
Ma te rial con tents of the mix ing-hopper (g):.........................................
&Vol ume mix ing-hopper MN*: 5.25 l
Vol ume mix ing-hopper MV*: 13.25 l
*mea sured up to the up per edge of the free ma te rial in let (swan-neck in let)
S 150

Put ting into op er a tion 3-5