De ter mi ning the Configura tion Va lue
Mark the functions re quired. Move the nu me ri cal value to the emp ty field. Add the val ues at the
bot tom for use in ba sic pa ram e ter setting.
&Af ter Ster ling con sul ta tion ad di tional con fig u ra tions will be pos si ble for
spe cial ap pli ca tions.
o raw ma te ri al pro be ................................................. 1 ... ___
o ad di ti ve pro be ..................................................... 2... ___
o blen ding unit.......................................................8....___
o throughput in lb ...................................................16 ... ___
o through put g/shot (1-6500 g) (0.001-6.5 kg) .............................0... ___
o through put g/shot (1-6500 g) (0.001-6.5 kg) x fac tor 10..................32 ... ___
o through put g/shot (1-6500 g) (0.001-6.5 kg) x: fac tor 10.................128 ... ___
o ex ter nal re lea se starts do sing........................................64 ... ___
o moun ting on a Mico mix ing-hopper ..................................256 ....___
o alarm out put is also swit ched in case of po wer fai lu re .................. 512 ....___
o prin ter avai la ble................................................16348 ....___
Con fig u ra tion value:................................................. .._____
S 150
Put ting into op er a tion 3-7