Stan dard Feed Sta ti on
Open the sa fe ty screws at the tog gle-type fas te ner.
Open the two tog gle-type fas te ner at the do sing mo tor.
Lift the feed sta ti on from the do sing mo tor and turn the feed sta ti on (180°) so that the out put points
away from the mi xing hop per.
Put the feed sta ti on back on the do sing mo tor.
Pla ce the weig hing con tai ner un der the out let ope ning/out let flan ge of the feed sta ti on.
FClo se the tog gle-type fa ste ners.
Mount the sa fe ty screws.
SDD 1 SGM S feed sta tion
The de vice may only be started up if all com po nents have been prop erly
in stalled. Dan ger: Limbs may be caught in ma chin ery!
Turn the feed sta tion approx. 45° clock wise.
Lift the feed sta tion from the dos ing mo tor and turn the feed sta tion so that the out put of the dos ing
disc points away from the div ing hose in the hop per piece.
Put the feed sta tion back on the dos ing mo tor (pay at ten tion to the guide pins).
Press the feed sta tion on the dos ing mo tor and turn the feed sta tion approx. 45° coun -
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