1.1. For your safety
Gen eral
The op er at ing per son nel of this equip ment must be at least 16 years old.
Please read these op er at ing in struc tions care fully be fore tak ing into op er a tion for the first time.
Con tact us should ques tions arise. This avoids in jury and dam age to equip ment!
These op er at ing in struc tions must be kept avail able at all times at the place of op er a tion of the
equip ment. Im proper op er a tion re sults in dan ger of ac ci dents!
Please note that, for rea sons of clar ity, not all con ceiv able cases re gard ing op er a tion or main te -
nance of the equip ment can be cov ered in these op er at ing in struc tions.
Please ob serve all safety in struc tions and warn ings on the equip ment. This avoids in jury and
dam age to equip ment!
All work on the equip ment is to be car ried out by per sons whose qual i fi ca tions are spec i fied in the
per tain ing chap ters of the op er at ing in struc tions. Im proper op er a tion re sults in dan ger of ac ci -
The proper work ing clothes are to be worn dur ing any work on the equip ment.
This avoids in jury!
The lo cal reg u la tions and re quire ments per tain ing to this equip ment must be ob served.
Dis con nect elec tri cal com po nents from the mains sup ply be fore work is car ried out on these com -
po nents. Cau tion: Dan ger to life through elec tri cal shock!
Com pile de tailed op er at ing in struc tions based on these Op er ating in struc tions for the se quence
of pro ce dures to be car ried out on this equip ment. Im proper op er a tion re sults in dan ger of ac ci -
As sem bly
Com pare the con nected loads with those of the mains sup ply. Dan ger of in jury through elec tri cal
When us ing lift ing gear, please ob serve the per tain ing reg u la tions. Cau tion: Dan ger of ac ci dents!
Do not mod ify, add other equip ment or change the de sign of the equip ment with out the ap proval
of the man u fac turer. Cau tion: Dan ger of ac ci dents!
At tach ments not sup plied by Ster ling must be man u fac tured in ac cor dance with safety in struc tion
EN 294. Cau tion: Dan ger of ac ci dents!
The equip ment may only be op er ated when all the as so ci ated com po nents are prop erly con -
nected up and in ac cor dance with the rel e vant reg u la tions. This avoids in jury and dam age to
equip ment!
Op er ate the de vice only if all its com po nents are grounded. Dan ger: ac ci dent through elec tri cal
Please note for in stal la tion that the equip ment is top-heavy. Dan ger ex ists that it may top ple over!
Safety in struc tions 1-2