3.5. Mo di fy/Crea te Re ci pe
&By press ing the “stop” key, you can quit the menu at any time while tak ing
on the en tered val ues.
The fol lo wing is re qui red:
·the de si red co lou ring (%)
·the shot weight (g, op tio nal ly: lb)
·the screw re tract time/plas ti fi ca ti on time of the pro ces sing ma chi ne (s)
·the ca li brat ion weight (g, op tio nal ly: lb)
&In case the steps des cri bed in the chap ter “De ter mi ning the Ca li brat ion
Weight” have been car ried out just be fo re, the de ter min ed va lue is dis -
play ed.
·the main tai ned run ning time of the blen ding unit (s, op tio nal if the re is only one blen ding unit)
·a printer (op tional, only if you wish to print rec ipe pa ram e ters)
S 150
Put ting into op er a tion 3-17