4.1. Main te nance in ter vals

Daily: Check warn ing signs on equip ment for good
leg i bil ity and com plete ness
Weekly: Check func tion of the on/off switch
Ev ery 3 months: Check scraper in dos ing sta tion DD/DT
Ev ery 6 months: Check all elec tri cal and me chan i cal con nec tions
for tight fit
Check ad just ment of the level probes (op tional),
see chap ter “Ac ces sories”
An nually: Check dos ing disc in dos ing sta tion DD/DT
Each time af ter
ma te rial is changed: Clean dos ing sta tion
Check scraper
Check dos ing disc
&This main te nance sched ule is cal cu lated for 3-shift op er a tion.
FThe given main te nance in ter vals are av er age val ues.
Check whether in your in di vid ual case the main te nance in ter vals must be
short ened.

Main te nance 4-3