LDis con nect the equip ment from mains sup ply be fore start ing main te -
nance pro ce dures to en sure that it can not be switched on un in ten tion ally.
Depressurize all com pressed air pip ing of the equip ment be fore start ing
main te nance work.
FPlease ob serve the main te nance in ter vals.
Be fore start ing main te nance work, clean the equip ment of oil, fuel or lu bri -
En sure that ma te ri als and in ci den tals re quired for op er a tion as well as
spare parts are dis posed of prop erly and in an en vi ron men tally sound
man ner.
Use only orig i nal Ster ling spare parts.
Keep re cord of all main te nance and re pair pro ce dures.
Ob serve that a dos ing and blend ing unit may only be put into op er a tion if
all dos ing sta tions and cov ers are in place. Dan ger of squeez ing!

Main te nance 4-2