In stalling the scraper
Place the new scraper in the dos ing unit hous ing.
En sure that the scraper is po si tioned cor rectly.
Screw the scraper in place by means of 2 hexa gon socket screws (M5 x 16).
Turn the dos ing disc to check for smooth move ment.
Mount the cover on the con nect ing piece.
Po si tion the dos ing unit on the dos ing mo tor (note guide pins).
FClose the tog gle-type fas ten ers on the dos ing mo tor.
Mount the safety screws.
Po si tion the dos ing hop per on the dos ing unit.
FMount the tight en ing strap.
Mount the screw at the tight en ing strap.
Ob serve that a dos ing and blend ing unit may only be put into op er a tion if
all dos ing sta tions and cov ers are in place. Dan ger of squeez ing!
&Or der num ber scraper: ID 21392

Main te nance 4-5