Ter mi nal As sign ment S150 (115/230 V)
A make con tact func tion is avail able; the switch -
able re lay out put can be op er ated with out po ten -
tial or with po ten tial.
The aux il iary volt age con sists of 230 VAC.
non-operative sta tus J9: 3 - 4 open,
in op er a tion J9: 3 - 4 closed.
non-operative sta tus J8: 3 - 4 open,
in op er a tion J8: 3 - 4 closed
(make con tact).
A break con tact func tion can also be set for the
alarm re lay in the de vice con fig u ra tion.
FMark the func tion “alarm out put is
also switched in case of power fail -
ure” see page 7, chap ter 3: de ter min -
ing the con fig u ra tion value”.
non-operative sta tus J8: 3 - 4 closed,
in op er a tion J8: 3 - 4 open (break con tact).

Elec tri cal ma nu al 10-10

Blower1 (2)