5.1. Trans port
The equip ment is de li ver ed as a com ple te as sem bly.
Only use for trans port of the equip ment a suit ab le hoist (e. g. a fork lift truck or a work shop cra ne).
ยปPlea se en su re ade qua te car ry ing ca pa ci ty of the lif ting gear.
Note that the equip ment is top-heavy.
Plea se ob ser ve all sa fe ty re gu la tions for the ope ra ti on of lif ting gear.
5.2. SDD 1 SGM
SDD 1 SGM is vi bra tion-proof. It can be mounted di rectly on the pro cess ing ma chine.
En su re af ter as sem bly that the do sing sta ti on does not knock against ot her com po nents (also
when the pro ces sing ma chi ne is in ope ra ti on).
As sem bly in struc tions 5-2