7.2. Con trol unit S 150
Ba sic equip ment
5 digit LED dis play
Mem ory backup for rec ipe and data stor age
Dry con tact cy cle sig nal in put
In put for level probe for both raw ma te rial and ad di tives
IP64 shield ing
short cir cuit proof out puts
Op er ates be tween 0°C to +50°C (32 to 120° F)
Stor age tem per a ture range -20 to +70° C (-4 to +160°F)
Op er ating volt age 230 VAC ±10 %, 50/60 Hz
Con nected load of 100 W max i mum dur ing op er a tion
Dry con tact alarm out put
Ther mal de vice pro tec tion
Op tional equip ment
RS422/465 for Euromap 17 pro to col in ter face
Spe cial volt age avail able
Func tion al ity
Di rect in put of de sired ad di tive per cent ages
Au to matic cal cu la tion of cal i bra tion val ues for dos ing
Op er ating con di tions shown via sym bols
Dis play of ad di tive con sump tion
Stor age of up to 10 rec i pes
Tech ni cal Data 7-2