In stall the new scraper along with the hold ing plate.
Tighten down the 3 plas tic screws. Make sure that the strip per is fit ted par al lel to the dos ing plate.
FUse only plas tic screws (DT-t: metal screws).
In stall the dos ing con tainer along with the dos ing hop per on the dos ing hous ing (pay at ten tion to
the guide pins).
FMount the tight en ing strap.
Mount the screwat the tight en ing strap.
Ob serve that a dos ing and blend ing unit may only be put into op er a tion if
all dos ing sta tions and cov ers are in place. Dan ger of squeez ing!
&Or der num bers
Plas tic screws: ID 96039
Scraper: ID 05334
Holding plate: ID 05353
Dosing disc
20 cham bers: ID 23056
12 cham bers: ID 23060
10 cham bers: ID 18405

Main te nance 4-12