4.4.1. In stalling Dif fer ent Types of Dosing Discs

Dosing discs of the same type may be ex changed for each other with out any prob lems.
If dos ing discs with a dif fer ent com part ment num ber are in stalled, this has to be en tered in the
con trol sys tem.
En ter the (pre lim i nary) cal i bra tion value of the freshly in stalled dos ing disc
(* = bulk den sity 550 g/l (1.21 lbs/l), ** = bulk den sity 700 g/l) (1.54 lbs/l).
Dosing disc Pre lim i nary cal i bra tion value
SDD30-030672 *1.5 , **2.0
SDD30-051040 *4.0 , **5.0
SDD30-051725 *7.0 , **9.0
SDD30-051818 *13.0 , **17.0
Ex e cute “cal i bra tion” to de ter mine the fi nal cal i bra tion value.
FWhen sav ing rec i pes, note the dos ing disc by means of which the cal i bra -
tion was re leased.
Mind that the ap pro pri ate dos ing disc has to be in stalled when call ing up
stored rec i pes.

Main te nance 4-10