3.4. Ca li brat ion
FThe ca li brat ion pro ce du re has to be re-determined for each ma te ri al to be
me te red sin ce the ca li brat ion weight dif fers from ma te ri al to ma te ri al.
$Ca li brat ion weight
me te red ma te ri al weight for one re vo lu ti on of the do sing disc
The fol lo wing is re qui red:
·a sca le which per mits weig hing to at least the nea rest 0.01 g (0.00001 kg)
·the weig hing con tai ner which is part of the de li very
Fill the feed sta ti on with suf fi cient ma te ri al.
3.4.1. Pre pa ra tions
The de vice may only be started up if all com po nents have been prop erly
in stalled. Dan ger: Limbs may be caught in ma chin ery!
Feed Sta tion with In ter me di ate Piece for Pro por tioning
Re move the blind lid at the in ter me di ate piece for pro por tion ing.
Slide the weigh ing con tainer in the in ter me di ate piece for pro por tion ing.
S 150
Put ting into op er a tion 3-12