1.2. For the op er at ing safety of the equip ment
Never change set tings if the con se quences are not pre cisely known.
Use only orig i nal Ster ling spare parts.
Please ob serve the main te nance in ter vals.
Keep re cord of all main te nance and re pair pro ce dures.
Ob serve pre cau tions for han dling elec tro static sen si tive de vices.
Check all elec tri cal con nec tions for proper fit be fore the equip ment is taken into op er a tion for the
first time and at reg u lar in ter vals.
The con trol sys tem may be op er ated only at tem per a tures from 0 to 50 °C (32 to 120 °F).
The con trol sys tem may only be stored at tem per a tures from -20 to +70 °C (-4 to +160 °F).
Note down all set ting data en tered in the con trol sys tem.
Check the ro ta tional di rec tion of the dos ing mo tor be fore tak ing into op er a tion (see ro ta tional di -
rec tion ar row).
En sure that all plugs are prop erly con nected.
Never con nect con vey ing equip ment with the dos ing sta tions with out the cor re spond ing sup -
En sure that the ma chine flange has suf fi cient car ry ing ca pac ity.
Please note that the dos ing mo tor may reach tem per a tures of up to 70 °C (160°F) dur ing con tin u -
ous op er a tion.
Please ob serve the op er at ing in struc tions of the con nected equip ment.
All com po nents must be suf fi ciently grounded.
In case the tem per a ture within the hous ing of the con trol sys tem ex ceeds 85°C (185°F), the con -
trol sys tem will be au to mat i cally switched off.
Safety in struc tions 1-4