4.3. Cleaning the DD dos ing sta tion

Dis man tling the dos ing sta tion
Empty the dos ing sta tion.
ยปSwitch the con trol unit off by means of the on/off switch.
Dis con nect from mains volt age.
Open the tight en ing strap on the
dos ing hop per.
Re move the dos ing hop per from the
dos ing unit.
Dis man tle the dos ing unit and re -
move the scraper (D).
Loosen the two hexa gon socket
screws (B, M6 x 30) on the top side of
the dos ing disc (A).
Loosen the cen ter hexa gon socket
screw (C, M6 x 12) and re place by an
M6 x 60 screw.
Lift the dos ing disc (A) from the dos -
ing unit hous ing (B) by this screw.
Clean the scraper us ing a cot ton
Clean the dos ing hop per and the
dos ing disc in soapy wa ter.
The dos ing unit hous ing may also be
cleaned with soapy wa ter.
En sure that soapy wa ter does not
en ter the ball bear ings.
Dry all parts thor oughly.

Main te nance 4-6

Dosing unit (top view)
Dosing unit (side view)